My Samsung smartphone is not recognizing fingerprints. How do I fix it?

Last Update date : Sep 24. 2024


The fingerprint recognition performance of your phone can be affected by various factors. If you are having issues, please check the condition of your phone's screen protector, whether or not the phone is wirelessly charging, and ensure that your finger is clean before placing it upon the fingerprint scanner.


  • If the blue light filter is being used, the filter may turn off in certain situations that require fingerprint recognition. The filter does this to improve the fingerprint recognition rate.
  • Available settings and screens may vary by a wireless service provider, software version, or device.

Your phone's fingerprint sensor may not recognize fingerprints properly due to various factors regarding the fingerprint or the surroundings. Please try again after checking that your fingers are not too dry, too wet, or if it is not fully placed over the sensor area. 

las huellas secas son difíciles de reconocer las huellas secas son difíciles de reconocer

Fingerprints are harder to recognize when they're too dry. Please try again after you moisturize your hands with lotion or by pressing on the sensor a little harder.

Presionar sensor por más tiempo Presionar sensor por más tiempo

Taking your finger off the sensor too quickly could be a reason why your fingerprints are not recognized. Please try again by placing your finger on the sensor for a longer amount of time.

colocar el dedo en todo el sensor colocar el dedo en todo el sensor

Placing your finger improperly over the sensor is another potential reason why your fingerprints are not recognized. Please try again by placing your finger over the entire fingerprint sensor.

datos de huellas cambiar ángulo datos de huellas cambiar ángulo

If your fingerprint isn't matching the fingerprint data on your device, please try again by changing the angle of your finger or by adding a new fingerprint.


  • We recommend registering your fingerprint in a position that feels comfortable for your finger to ensure that the fingerprint being read is identical to the one registered on the device. When re-registering your fingerprint, start at the center of the sensor and move toward the top & bottom, left & right.


Adding additional fingerprints

As a preventative measure, we also recommend registering multiple fingerprints onto your device in case your fingerprint gets damaged due to a finger injury or otherwise. You can add up to four different fingerprints. To do so, go to "Settings," then "Biometrics and Security," and then "Fingerprints." Enter your secure screen lock credentials. Select "Add fingerprint." Use the on-screen prompts to add the fingerprint and then tap "Done."

Métodos de seguridad alternativos de antemano Métodos de seguridad alternativos de antemano


Setting up alternate security methods in advance

In case your fingerprint sensor malfunctions, instead of proceeding with the factory reset, we recommend setting up alternate security methods in advance, such as a regular PIN, password, or pattern.
To do so, go to “Settings,” then “Biometrics and Security," and then select one of the various options, including pattern, PIN, face recognition, etc., to set up additional ways to unlock your phone.

Métodos de seguridad alternativos de antemano Métodos de seguridad alternativos de antemano

Ensure that the screen protector or the touchscreen on the fingerprint sensor area is not scratched or damaged.

protector de pantalla afecta reconocimiento de huellas protector de pantalla afecta reconocimiento de huellas

If your screen protector is smeared with dirt or other foreign substances, scratched, or otherwise damaged, it may affect the fingerprint recognition performance of your phone.

protector de pantalla no autorizado afecta rendimiento protector de pantalla no autorizado afecta rendimiento

If you're using a 3rd party screen protector not authorized by Samsung, its specific pattern (dot, grid, etc.), thickness, or material may affect the fingerprint recognition performance.


  • If the screen protector is dirty or scratched, please replace it with a new one. We also recommend that you register your fingerprint again for better recognition after replacing the protective film.
  • Ensure that both your fingers and the fingerprint sensor area, located at the bottom center of the screen, are clean and dry.
  • Using a screen protector that is either thick, made of glass or silicone, or patterned, you may not be able to register or scan your fingerprints properly.
  • Samsung cannot guarantee compatibility with third-party products, as the thickness and structure of protective films or screen protectors may affect the performance of the fingerprint sensor. 
  • Sensors may be positioned differently depending on the device. The potential issues described above only apply to in-display sensors.

When wirelessly charging, the electric waves emitted can affect the fingerprint recognition performance of your device.

Wireless charging affects fingerprint recognition performance Wireless charging affects fingerprint recognition performance

Fingerprint recognition performance may decrease when your device is wirelessly charging.

Try it when it doesn't charge wirelessly Try it when it doesn't charge wirelessly

Ensure your device is not being wirelessly charged and try again.

If the problem persists,

If the problem persists,

Please contact us via Chat so that our agents can provide you with a solution

Thank you for your feedback!