
TERMS & CONDITIONS OF USE website amended: March 2011


This is an agreement. Please read it carefully because it explains your and our rights and duties to each other. You must contact Samsung South Africa if you do not understand any part of this agreement.

When does this agreement apply to you?


If you use or access this site, these terms & conditions of use (“this agreement”) will apply to you. It forms an agreement between you and Samsung Electronics (Pty) Limited (“Samsung”, “we” “us” or “our”). This agreement applies regardless of how or where you access this site. You must not use this site if you do not want to be bound to this agreement.

Is this site applicable to you?


This site is applicable to users in the following countries: South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Namibia, Malawi, Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania, Gambia, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Samsung reserves the rights to include or remove countries from this list from time to time.

You have the permission to use this site for your personal use.


Samsung gives you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to view the information on this site.

This site is meant for use in the above countries only. If you are in another country that falls outside of the above list please visit for a list of all the other countries websites.
You may not link to this site without our permission. You may not copy, access, or use our content other than as explained above. You must contact us for permission before you link to the site or any part of it in any manner or use any content on the site in any manner, for commercial purposes.

You must not try to access any portion or feature of the site which you are not permitted to use. You must not try to access any system or network connected to the site.

Nothing on this site is an offer to you. The information displayed on the site is only meant to give you information about our products and services and the dealers who sell them. Please note that particular products or certain models thereof and services displayed on the site may not be available in your country. If you have any questions about the price or availability of our products you must contact the authorized Samsung distributor in your country to confirm the price and the availability of such product or services.

If you breach (break) this agreement we can terminate your right to access and use our site.

Samsung can amend this agreement at any time.


Samsung can amend this agreement at any time. It is your responsibility to check this agreement regularly for changes. If you continue to use of the site after changes have been published it means that you have accepted and agreed to the changes. For your convenience only we will display the date this agreement was last changed below the heading.

We own all intellectual property rights in the content of this site; this includes but is not limited to copyright.


You may only use this site and reproduce any content from it, if it is for your own personal use. You may not use this site for any commercial purposes without our permission. Any software we make available for download on this web site is protected by copyright and is made available on the terms of license of such software.

We are not responsible for third parties, their sites, products or services even if we place a link to their site


To help you to locate other information, products or services we may include links to the sites of other persons or entities. However, this does not mean that Samsung approves, recommends or endorses those sites, their content, their owners or even the goods or services made available or advertised on those sites. You must read the terms & conditions and privacy policies published on those sites. We have no control over such third party sites, products or services, and will not be legally responsible to you for any loss or damage you suffer, whether directly or indirectly, because of your use of a third party’s site, product or service. You agree that if you access third party sites, you do so entirely at your own risk.

Other Terms & Conditions will also apply to you


Additional terms and conditions may apply if you purchase goods or services from the site or related sites.
Specific portions of the site may be restricted and may be subject to their own terms & conditions.

Your rights


Note: Chapter 7 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 of South Africa gives any natural person who enters or intends entering into an electronic transaction with us on this site certain rights.

Your privacy


We respect your privacy. Our privacy policy is incorporated into this agreement and forms part of it. Please read it by clicking >.

You must only use the recommended hardware, software, and browser to access the site


You must only use the hardware, software, and browsers we recommend for use from time to time to access or use the site and our online services. If you do not do this, you may be exposed to a greater security risk or the functionality on the site may not operate properly or at all.

You use the site at your own risk


While we have taken care to ensure that the content on this site is accurate, this site is provided "as is" and your use of the site is entirely at your own risk. Because of this Samsung and its officers, directors, employees, servants, affiliates, shareholders, agents, consultants or employees (“Samsung”) will not be liable for the following: 
Any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages or loss of any kind regardless of how this was caused, and whether it arose under the law of contract or delict or otherwise, because you used this site or the information on the site or because you couldn’t use this site. You hereby agree to hold Samsung harmless for such loss or damage. Without changing the above, Samsung will also not be liable for any of the following

  • Any interruption, malfunction, downtime or other failure of the site or any online services, our system, databases or any of its components, for reasons beyond our control.
  • Any loss or damage to customer data or other data directly or indirectly caused by malfunction of our system, third party systems, power failures, unlawful access to or theft of data, computer viruses or destructive code on our system or third party systems; programming defects.
  • Any interruption, malfunction, downtime or other failure of goods or services provided by third parties, including, without limitation, third party systems such as the public switched telecommunication service providers, internet service providers, electricity suppliers, local authorities and certification authorities.
  • Any event over which we have no direct control.
    This clause constitutes a stipulation for the benefit of Samsung’s officers, directors, employees, servants, affiliates, shareholders, agents, consultants, or employees.

Samsung can change this site or any part of its content at any time


Samsung has the right to change the site or any of its content any time without giving you notice.

Samsung can suspend or discontinue the site at any time or set limits for the use of the whole or certain parts of the site


Samsung may, without notice to you suspend or discontinue the site. Samsung can also impose limits on the use of the whole or certain parts of the site.

The site may be unavailable from time to time


This site may be unavailable from time to time because of routine maintenance or emergency repairs or because of the unavailability of any electricity, telecommunication system, or networks.



A certificate signed by the site administrator (whose authority Samsung does not have to prove) will on the face of it be evidence of the following:

  • How the site operates.
  • The functionality available on the site.
  • The content of the site.
  • When a communication from you was sent or received by us. When a communication from us was sent to you. 
  • The content and date of publication of the current version or previous versions of this agreement.
  • The privacy and security policy of the site.
  • The content and date of publication of any other terms & conditions on the site.

This means you will have to prove otherwise if you disagree with it.

You give us your permission to monitor your use of the site


You give your consent for us to monitor your use of the site. We may monitor your use of the site for the following reasons:

  • To make sure that users are not acting illegally, unlawfully, or in breach of this agreement. 
  • To maintain the integrity and security of our site and our information technology systems.
  • To investigate or detect any unauthorised use of our site and information technology systems
  • To ensure the effective operation of our site and information technology systems.



Your use of this web site will be governed by and interpreted according to South African law. 
By using this site you agree that South African courts will exclusively deal with any dispute or matter that arises between you and us about, or in connection with this site. Where dates and times need to be calculated the international standard time (GMT) plus 2 (two) hours will be used.
While we may give you extra time to comply with your obligations or decide not to exercise some of our rights, you must not assume that this means that our agreement with you has been changed or that it no longer applies to you. We can still insist on the strict application of any or all of our rights at a later stage.
If a court finds that any of the clauses in this agreement are unenforceable, the remaining clauses will still be valid and the rest of the agreement and rules will still apply. 
For purposes of interpreting the agreement or any rules any reference to Samsung includes its successors and assigns, and any of its officers, agents, staff and authorised representatives acting on its authority.

Our contact details


 Please provide the following:

Samsung Electronics SA (Pty) Limited

Registration Number



Contact Samsung South Africa for an updated list

Head Office

2929 William Nicol Drive,


Johannesburg, 2021


+2711 549 - 1500


+27 11 549 -


Call Centre (For product support queries)